
Posts Tagged ‘Strength of Character’

IS there a point in our nation today where a politican can also become a leader and have to tell like it is?

Can a politican be a leader as well as play the politcal side?

I think they can, as Congressman Ron Paul and Senator Jim Webb do, but in my opinion these two guys are rare in Washington, and I would follow them anywhere.

At some point, today’s definition of lying (has become bending the truth) hurts the country, as it has really bad recently.

A bigger issue is does  the public really want to hear the truth?

My opinion and I wrote a chapter in my recent book Manning the Legions on it, is that our public in general does not want to hear the truth about oil peaking (and our strategically horrible energy policies-the worst strategic mistake as a nation we have made in the last 40 years), global warming or overpopulation as long as it can possibility negatively impact the American Dream (shed responsibility in the pursuit of near term happiness). They elect these same people all the time to tell them what they want to hear. Pelosi is just part of that culture, and he or she who casts the first stones better duck themselves.

Anyway, I just got this from my good friend Winslow Wheeler who runs the Strauss Reform Project at the Center for Defense Information, as well as editor of the recent anthology America’s Defense Meltdown, and the editor of my book Raising the Bar.

Take Care, Don

Subject: Pelosi’s Imperiled Pedestle I am a sometime participant at a blog run by National Journal. I couldn’t resist to opine on this week’s topic: Nancy Pelosi’s making herself a floater in her own punchbowl. My comments are below;

the blog is at http://security. nationaljournal. com/2009/ 05/congress- and-torture- holding-l. php

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s attempts to re-groom her non-oversight of the intelligence community and torture in 2002 are as pathetic as the Republicans’ pretense at outrage that any respectable Member of Congress would accuse the CIA of misleading Congress, let alone lying. An executive branch agency misleading Congress? Why, how shocking. In fact, it’s a long honored tradition, started not decades but centuries ago. That’s why the Founding Fathers crafted the Constitution as they did – empowering Congress to perform effective oversight – a function that historian Arthur M. Schlesinger deemed at least as important as the power to legislate.

Quite clearly, Pelosi – like almost every currently sitting Member of Congress – has no clue of the supremely important role of oversight and not the slightest idea of how to perform it, if she cared to exercise it. Congress’ oversight of the intelligence community has been and continues to be a null set. The most obvious indicator of that is the absence of transcripts of the briefings – if that is what you want to call them – given to Pelosi and others in 2002, which by the way would end the controversy and all the pretense in a heartbeat. That transcripts are still not made of these encounters tells us all we need to know about oversight enjoying any hint of revival in these matters.

The good news is that Pelosi’s standing in Washington is now greatly diminished as she twists and squirms to escape the can of worms she jumped into, as eagerly as she was clueless. That gives President Obama a major opening: to pursue his entire legislative agenda without the toxic handiwork of a Speaker of the House who puts short sightedness, hyper-partisanship, and personal status above all else. Unless she makes an even bigger mess of it, Pelosi’s seat as Speaker is probably secure, but now her high-handedness and narrow outlook are likely to be as diminished as her stature.

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We are now facing the greatest catastrophic crisis in the history of our nation. If we don’t act now, TODAY, and start the transition, our nation will spiral into chaos. Sadly, the information, the resources (though strained), and the will of the people can make this happen, but it must happen now if we are to preserve the nation and its Constitution.

What is left? LEADERS OF CHARACTER making hard decisions.

What is Congress doing?

Do the Republican and Democratic candidates for President have plans that are detailed and overlap? Are they realistic, or are they the same old: ask little of us, don’t ask us to sacrifice, allow us to continue to live the fantasy of strip malls, unlimited gasoline, and suburbs beyond the horizon (don’t worry, food will come from the Arctic or somewhere long away hauled by big trucks).

What are “We the People,” citizens of this great country doing?


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The following short essay is from my good friend and mentor Mr. Chuck Spinney.  One of the greatest people this country has produced. He has the absolute strength of character and moral courage every leader should strive for. Chuck talks about strategy and politics, or how we keep getting our strategy wrong, despite a capital beltway filled with incredible resumes and very smart people.

But, our society has not learned yet, that resumes may look good, as well as the person hiding behind them; but it is strength of character that makes a leader. Strength of character is the ability to, even the fondness for seeking responsibility, and then having the moral courage to make and stand by decisions in the face of your peers, subordinates, superiors and foes.  Today, we see everyone declaring they are agents of change to get the support they need. The irony is, when one peers behind the curtains, they are being advised by the same people that got us into all the debacles we are dealing with today. It is funny how these leaders (a weak term at best, and one I use sparingly) advocate change, but refuse to get advice from all the people that the establishment labels as radicals or heretics. There are some fools out there, but I know many good citizens and leaders that have the moral courage to advocate change based on well documented and thoroughly thought out research.


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I continue to contend that we the people are guilty of our own forthcoming catastrophes not only looming on the horizon, but beginning to occur today.

We keep electing the same “cheerleaders.”


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We all think of Socrates when we ask what makes a great teacher.

A great teacher is a leader, a mentor, someone who encourages life-long learning. A teacher’s objective is to make their students better than they are. A teacher does not have an ego, but has pride in putting out the best students, but pride does not prevent the assimilation of better ideas, whatever it takes to give the best to their students.

The greatest compliment a teacher can receive is years later when hearing from a former student that says “thanks, you prepared me for…and you made a difference in my life.” A good teacher may not even get great evaluations during or right after the conclusion of their course. As a matter of fact, they may come under criticism, especially in today’s environment where answers are always given and immediate results are sought, from students because the teacher is forcing them to think and discover.


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My continuing strand from my post in May on where are our leaders of character?

I have spent my professional life studying adaptive behavior–how changes in ones environment lead to changes in the way leaders and subordinates/followers act, particularly in War. Recently, my studies reach out into the impacts of cultures on adaptability. Our society grows every more controlling as we evolve. These controls in the forms of laws, regulations, cultural norms, and even physical examples such as traffic signs/signals have proliferated in our country.

In another area, competition for fewer positions or scholarships or whatever has grown fiercely causing a gloat of great resumes, undermining team work and causing more unethical behavior on the part of individuals toward others as they seek these false awards.


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By William S. Lind

As the U.S. remains fixated on two Fourth Generation wars half a world a way, in Iraq and Afghanistan, 4GW is knocking at our back door. The death spiral of the Mexican state appears to be accelerating. To quote just one illustrative bit of evidence, the Cleveland Plain Dealer recently reported that

Seven Mexican federal agents looking for an arms cache died early Tuesday in a shootout with gunmen in the northern state of Sinaloa, officials said. The agents came under fire when they went to search a home in Culiacan, the state capital. Four other agents were wounded. At least one gunman was reported killed during the confrontation, which came as a wave of drug-related violence has washed over Mexico.

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