
Posts Tagged ‘Responsibility’

Greed has gotten us here in the state of our financial crisis. The House is now preparing the pass the 700 billion bail out of the wealthy greedy bastards on wall street. But where is the accountability and responsibility? Also, as always, Congress added pork to a bill that is going to cost all of us a lot of money in order for a very few to have gold covered toilets and Bentleys in their drive ways from one of 9 houses (I am not referring to John McCain and his wealthy wife?).

This weekend I was in Ireland teaching my leadership course as part of the British Council’s Trans Atlantic Network 20-20. In one of the sessions where the entire group got together for a BBC radio show, they were asked who is responsible for the current financial crisis (Europe is being hit hard as well). Countless, very smart and potential leaders from around the globe gave their numerous answers, but I kept saying to myself, “Well, lets tell the truth, we just have to look in the mirror.” We, the public, keep putting the same politicians in office, we keep allowing them to “strip mine” our nation in order to get grossly wealthy on the promise that this would “trickle down” to us.


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